
【Forest Lily】DDH-01 セミホワイト肌 カスタムヘッド デカールアイ1種付 DD ボークス

flash sale icon タイムセール
新品 26,500円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :43432125 発売日 2024/05/28 定価 26,500円 型番 43432125

【Forest Lily】DDH-01 セミホワイト肌 カスタムヘッド デカールアイ1種付 DD ボークス

*Scroll to the bottom for the English.
* 滾動到底部看中文。

初めまして。ディーラー名 Forest Lilyの、りりこと申します。商品をご覧いただきありがとうございます。ブログにも内容を掲載しております。よろしければ併せてご覧ください。オリジナルサイズにて画像をご覧いただけます。http://forest-lily.com





【ツイッター】 宜しければ日常のドールの作業の呟き等をしておりますので、ご覧下さい。 @forestlily_

* This is an auction of heads wearing pink wigs. The head of the green wig in the photo is on a separate page.
Nice to meet you. Dealer name Forest Lily * My name is Ririko. Thank you for visiting our product.The content is also posted on the blog. Please have a look if you like. You can see the image in the original size.http://forest-lily.com

[About the head]It is a custom head of DDH-01 (semi-white skin). We are shaving. I use Farejo and pastel, and finally UV matte spray. We coat each process and blow thickly at the end. The part that you want to give a glossy finish is worked after the matte coating.
The lid is not processed.

I draw lines one by one with a brush, but there are cases where asymmetrical parts appear, and there are cases where fine irregularities, scratches, dust are mixed in, etc., but those that cannot be removed by all means during the manufacturing process I leave it as it is, except for the ones that stand out. It is handmade, so please refrain from those seeking perfection.Colors may look different depending on the PC environment.Please refrain from bidding if you are nervous or sticking to it.

[About eye]It will be the original decal eye.I hope you can think of it as a bonus for the head.I will attach the one used for shooting.
[About clothes]This is the original clothes I made for this shoot.This is a very simple structure, soPlease consider it as a bonus. Claims about clothesPlease note that we cannot accept.
We will ship it. There may be a gap between the head and the eye.
【important point】* Body, wig, and accessories are not included.* Makeup is very delicate, so please handle it with care.

[Twitter] If you like, I"m muttering about daily doll work, so please have a look. @forestlily_
[About payment and shipping]
The shipping fee will be borne by the purchaser.Please complete the payment procedure within 24 hours after contacting the shipping fee.It will be shipped within 3 business days after payment is confirmed.
・ No claim no return, please.・ Please bid only for those who are willing to purchase.・ If 24 hours have passed without contacting us, we may cancel the bid due to the circumstances of the highest bidder.・ I keep animals, but I work in a different environment.・ If the evaluation is bad, the bid will be deleted without notice. Please understand.・ If the evaluation is 3 or less, please check in the question column before bidding. If there is no confirmation, the bid may be deleted.

很高興見到。我叫 Ririco,我是 Forest Lily。感謝訪問我們的品。容也發在博客上。如果喜歡,請看看。可以看到原始大小的圖像。http://forest-lily.com

[關於頭部]它是DDH-01(半白皮膚)的定制頭。我使用 Farejo 和粉彩,最後使用 UV 光噴霧。我們在個過程中都塗上塗層,最後吹得厚厚的。在光塗層之後加工想要提供光澤飾面的部分。蓋子沒有處理。

我用一把刷子一張一張地畫線,但有些情況下,不對稱部分避免地會暴露出來,有些情況下會混入細微的凹凸、痕、灰塵等,但那些在製作過程中無法完全去除的情況製造過程我保持原樣,除了那些突出的。它是手工製作的,所以請不要追求完美。根據 PC 環境,顏色可能會有所不同。如果感到緊張或堅持,請不要投標。


【很重要的一點】* 不包括身體、假髮和配件。* 妝容非常細膩,請小心處理。

[推特] 如果喜歡,我在天的娃娃工作,所以請看看。 @森林百合_
・請勿索取,請勿退貨。・請只為願意購買的人出價。・ 如果超過 24 小時未與我們聯,我們可能會根據最高出價者的情況取消投標。・我養動物,但我在不同的環境中工作。・如果評價不好,投標將被刪除,恕不行通知。請理解。・如果評價為3分以下,請在投標前檢問題欄。如果沒有確認,投標可能會被刪除。




