The Federal Government don issue serious warning against illegal mining operations and caution landowners about allowing such activities on their properties.

Federal Government don warn against illegal mining after fatal mine collapse for Niger State

June 17, 2024

The Federal Government don issue serious warning against illegal mining operations and caution landowners about allowing such activities on their properties. This warning follow tragic incident wey happen for Adunu community, Paikoro Local Government Area of Niger State, where mine collapse reportedly claim the lives of three local miners.

Dr. Dele Alake, the Minister of Solid Minerals Development, deliver this warning after the mine collapse. E emphasize the serious consequences for landowners wey allow illegal mining activities on their properties, stating say those wey get licensed units of land wey dem find dey involved in illegal mining go face revocation of their titles.

“Illegal mining no only pose significant risks to human life but also undermine the economic and regulatory frameworks of our mining sector,” Dr. Alake talk. E stress the need for stringent adherence to mining laws and regulations to prevent further loss of lives and environmental degradation.

Preliminary investigations reveal say the collapsed mine dey situated for area under an Exploration License. This license, wey dem grant to an applicant, permit only the assessment of the site’s suitability for mineral exploration and no authorize any mining activities. Despite this, local miners reportedly dey illegally extract gold from the site.

Dr. Alake highlight say the unauthorized mining activities for the collapsed site no only illegal but also hazardous, given the lack of proper safety measures and oversight. E reiterate the government’s commitment to clamp down on illegal mining operations across the country to ensure the safety of citizens and the integrity of the mining industry.

“The tragic incident for Adunu na stark reminder of the dangers wey illegal mining pose. We go take all necessary actions to prevent such occurrences in the future, including revoking the titles of landowners wey dey complicit in illegal mining activities,” the Minister declare.

The Federal Government’s crackdown on illegal mining na part of broader efforts to regulate the mining sector and promote sustainable and safe mining practices. This include ensuring say all mining activities dey conducted under appropriate license and with adequate safety protocols.

The Minister also call on local communities to report any suspicious mining activities to authorities promptly. E emphasize the importance of community cooperation in curbing illegal mining operations and protecting both lives and the environment.

As investigations into the mine collapse continue, the government dey expected to implement stricter measures to monitor mining activities and enforce compliance with mining regulations. The tragedy for Niger State don underscore the urgent need for vigilance and enforcement to safeguard lives and ensure the responsible extraction of the country’s mineral resources.

In conclusion, the Federal Government’s warning against illegal mining operations and the strict stance on landowner accountability highlight the ongoing efforts to regulate and secure the mining sector. The incident for Adunu serve as somber reminder of the risks wey dey associated with illegal mining and the critical need for adherence to legal and safety standards in all mining activities.

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